WordPress PDA & iPhone

WordPress PDA plugin enables the wordpress blog viewable for PDA and iPhone browsers. It is really simple plugin which detects the browser agent and loads a simple theme on fly. The plugin comes with a theme folder which acts like normal theme with all the functionality of wordpress theme.

The plugin doesn’t have any advanced option to control. If you want to customize you can do it with the theme files.

Installation of this plugin is simple and straight forward. Just extract the files in you wordpress plugins folder. And in the admin activate the plugin

Once you activate the plugin you will not be seeing any magic in your admin menus or any trace of this plugin :-). To see this plugin in action you have browse your site using a pda. I have installed the plugin in my blog and this is how it looks from a pda browser.

worpress pda plugin preview

To enable your blog for pda users just download and activate šŸ˜‰

Download PDA plugin for wordpress 2.x

Please note iPhone theme is still in beta testing stage. I will be working on more updates on the same soon. Please read the FAQ if you want to disable iPhone theme integration.

Thanks to Martin Loyer for adding theme language support and French Translation.

Thanks to Zombix for providing a working demo of the pda plugin

View Comments (445)
  1. thank Theme/Plugin for a particular Plugin I am uing from GDragons which provides a rating on the Desktop Based Site.

  2. Thanks for the great plug-in! It works perfectly on my Blackberry Curve, and almost perfectly on the iPhone (great beta). I’ve been able to slightly tweak the themes with no problem too. Awesome how it works for iPhone and ‘regular’ phones.

    In case this is just for my site: if I load the home page then click the home button, the home page sort of slides back in as a separate copy and I can see that some elements are duplicated. If I press home again a few more times things go haywire. The same thing happens in Firefox when I spoof an iPhone user agent.

  3. this plugin sounds great. i’ll be installing it later. This will be a great help for me since i’ll be releasing new notes and compositions this coming march and april. A good writing buddy everyday is an absolute gift. Thanks!

  4. Hi there:

    I installed this plugin. It seemed to work for some people.. but for one particular group of folks, it didn’t.

    They are apparently using OS 4.5 (whatever that means, I’m not a PDA expert)… but this is what they said was located on their Mozilla details:

    BlackBerry8830/ Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 VendorID/109

    SO, I guess I’m wondering what the format would be to type into your configuration box in the plugin where you can add additional user agents. And, if this isn’t supported, I wondered if there wa a way to make your plugin compatible with this new user agent.


  5. thanks
    ” The plugin doesnā€™t have any advanced option to control. If you want to customize you can do it with the theme files.”

  6. firewalker06

    It works well with the latest WP 2.7.1, unless I missed something.

    Can I have a request? For example if a page is generated with custom template it will shows nothing. Can it just show some warning like:
    “this page is unavailable in mobile version” ?

  7. firewalker06

    Oh no, now there is trouble with my site. Suddenly it shows “CGI process exited”. Is this plugin ready for PHP 5?

    Thank you.

  8. thanks
    ā€ The plugin doesnā€™t have any advanced option to control. If you want to customize you can do it with the theme files.ā€

  9. I love this plugin and am quite glad that you developed it! I know how painful web browsing can be on the mobile platforms because I own a first gen iPod Touch. Also, being interested in web development makes aware of the issue too. Once I deleted the line of code enabling the “Home” button (since that has a bug wherein a second header gets placed underneath the first when clicked) the plugin became absolutely flawless for me and though I never think of it as being there day-to-day, I do like to know that my blog, though still not my main website, is at least properly mobile browser compatible.

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