WordPress PDA & iPhone

WordPress PDA plugin enables the wordpress blog viewable for PDA and iPhone browsers. It is really simple plugin which detects the browser agent and loads a simple theme on fly. The plugin comes with a theme folder which acts like normal theme with all the functionality of wordpress theme.

The plugin doesn’t have any advanced option to control. If you want to customize you can do it with the theme files.

Installation of this plugin is simple and straight forward. Just extract the files in you wordpress plugins folder. And in the admin activate the plugin

Once you activate the plugin you will not be seeing any magic in your admin menus or any trace of this plugin :-). To see this plugin in action you have browse your site using a pda. I have installed the plugin in my blog and this is how it looks from a pda browser.

worpress pda plugin preview

To enable your blog for pda users just download and activate 😉

Download PDA plugin for wordpress 2.x

Please note iPhone theme is still in beta testing stage. I will be working on more updates on the same soon. Please read the FAQ if you want to disable iPhone theme integration.

Thanks to Martin Loyer for adding theme language support and French Translation.

Thanks to Zombix for providing a working demo of the pda plugin

View Comments (445)
  1. Without option for blog to be viewable for PDA and iPhone browsers, chances for blog to be successful are too few. This plugin is great help to that direction.

  2. I added ipod and another code inserted but it didnt show iphone theme. It looks the same as I would see on Windows Mobile browser. I am using iPod touch not iPhone.

  3. […] WordPress PDA & iPhone – It is a must have especially if you want mobile users or those who are on PDA/iPhone/iPod Touch to view your site. Is it annoying when you view a site such as this on a mobile phone (especially Mobile Internet Explorer) as it sucks. Another reason is that if you are on EDGE/GPRS/3G/HSPDA then you’ll have to pay a lot of data charges as there are lots of images , text , ads , flash animation that you’ll have to downloading. This is a must have if you have lots of mobile users or if your site is catered for mobile users. I’ll describe/blog more about this plug-in. I find it very useful […]

  4. […] Apple has a great website dealing with developing for their iPhone. iPhone chooses to work with similar browsers and web coding here. If your website is lucky enough to use the great blogging platform WordPress (which Impressions Through Media uses), there are several plugins that are very easy to place on your website which might ease any headaches from designing for your Smartphone audience – The iWPhone Plugin can be found here and WordPress PDA & iPhone Plugin can be found here. […]

  5. Hey Imthiaz, this is great, it even works with 2.6.. just one question, since there is a “theme” to display on PDAs, Can I edit it as usual?

    thanks again

  6. Without settings option for blog to be viewable for PDA and nok?a browsers, chances for blog to be successfully are too fewry. This plugin is great help to that directions.thanks

  7. Thanks for this great plugin! understand UTF-8. This plugin looks great with my phone! However, it doesn’t recognize the iPod Touch. I added it to the agent list, but the website that gets passed to it is the one for cell phones, not the same one as the iPhone. The browser agent is “iPod”. http://garmin-gps.greencp.com Take a look at it.

  8. Thank you for this great plugin. It works pretty darn good on my phone. It took some searching to find a program to do this correctly.

  9. […] WordPress PDA & IPhone Plugin .- Aun no pude probar desde un iPhone, pero desde la Blackberry funciona a las mil maravillas, mi movil tambiĂ©n lo muestra adecuadamente pero lo cierto es que no salta el theme para moviles sino que adapta (con un resultado mas que aceptable) la web. Sin embargo me gustaria que usara el theme movil en esos casos … resulta ser Opera Mini, como he podido averiguar a travĂ©s de esta web. […]

  10. I am using this Plugin for servicing mobile connections and is is working out Perfectly. I would however like to include an Exclude in this PDA Theme/Plugin for a particular Plugin I am uing from GDragons (Star Rating) which provides a rating on the Desktop Based Site. Anyone able to advise on how to add an Exclude for a Particular Plugin by adding it this Plugin’s Pages? I am not a heavy duty Coder but can make my way around.

  11. Just got your plugin, and can’t seem to get it to work. I’m on version 1.2.6… installed according to the plugin manager thing in WP, but when I browse the site with my phone I just get a cut down version of my site… nothing like the pretty screen shots you have. Any chance you could have a look for me. I also run http://www.patternsofphysicaltransformation.com which also has the same problem (plugin installed, but iPhone browsing just looks like vanilla template… no funky iPhone skin.)

    Thanks in advance for your time. If you need any further help debuging, then just drop me a line.


  12. Thank you for this. It is very nicely done, and works like a charm on my MDA w/WM5. My normally image-heavy site is gorgeous in Opera Mobile

  13. Thanks for this plug-in. I’ve installed it, and it seems to work great. Am looking forward to how this plug-in develops in the future, especially with the iPhone/iPod Touch component. Would like to have mobile users be able to switch to/from the mobile version and regular version of the site.

  14. i’m using alex king’s wp-mobile plugin in combination with your pda theme. the combination of both suited my purpose better since i wanted my site to work on EVERY mobile device. i haven’t tested on all devices of course, but loads as wanted on sony ericsson, nokia, palm, opera mini and nintendo ds. i edited the theme as well, check it out. i’m linking you both.

  15. I’m using this Plugin for servicing mobile connections and is working out Perfectly. I would however like to include an Exclude in this PDA Theme/Plugin for a particular Plugin I am uing from GDragons which provides a rating on the Desktop Based Site.

  16. it is so useful plugin. Now adays access internet via mobile phones very widespread. i like google in this category. it is suitable every where

  17. Hey Imthiaz, this is great, it even works with 2.6.. just one question, since there is a “theme” to display on PDAs, Can I edit it as usual?

  18. Hi, I’m not seeing my website correctly after I upgraded my BlackJack 2 to Windows Mobile 6.1. Is the plugin not compatible with 6.1?

  19. By far my most favorite plugin.
    Works out of the box with zero configuration.
    Looks great on anything I load it on!

    algarcia, I almost forgot to check my NDS.

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