WordPress PDA & iPhone

WordPress PDA plugin enables the wordpress blog viewable for PDA and iPhone browsers. It is really simple plugin which detects the browser agent and loads a simple theme on fly. The plugin comes with a theme folder which acts like normal theme with all the functionality of wordpress theme.

The plugin doesn’t have any advanced option to control. If you want to customize you can do it with the theme files.

Installation of this plugin is simple and straight forward. Just extract the files in you wordpress plugins folder. And in the admin activate the plugin

Once you activate the plugin you will not be seeing any magic in your admin menus or any trace of this plugin :-). To see this plugin in action you have browse your site using a pda. I have installed the plugin in my blog and this is how it looks from a pda browser.

worpress pda plugin preview

To enable your blog for pda users just download and activate 😉

Download PDA plugin for wordpress 2.x

Please note iPhone theme is still in beta testing stage. I will be working on more updates on the same soon. Please read the FAQ if you want to disable iPhone theme integration.

Thanks to Martin Loyer for adding theme language support and French Translation.

Thanks to Zombix for providing a working demo of the pda plugin

View Comments (445)
  1. It seems like it would be a great plugin, but like Oyun, I can’t get it to work on my ipod touch. My normal site keeps coming up. Any thoughts why? I’ve tried it with the default plugin as well and still does not work.

  2. Can we get an option to disable iPhone/iPod touch support? We want our iPhone users to see the “full” version of the site, but other mobile users to still get WordPress PDA.


  3. According to Dell the reason for the delay was the drivers weren’t ready and their app which helps automate the installation process was not ready. Google it and you’ll find the stories…

  4. Is it possible for a link in the PPC version to render in the full version, coz many new browsers supports both views

  5. Looks like a cool plugin, however, I cannot get it to work with iPod touch. Shows up correctly on my SonyEricsson phone but on iTouch I get the “normal” wordpress theme.

  6. Looks like a cool plugin, however, I cannot get it to work with iPod touch. Shows up correctly on my SonyEricsson phone but on iTouch I get the “normal” wordpress theme.

  7. OK, in case somebody wants this to work on iPod touch, too, here’s what you’ve got to do…
    iPod touch does not have an “iPhone” user agent string, but an “iPod” user agent string, so you have to:

    1. add “iPod” to the list of user agent strings
    2. in pda.php change the function “detectPDA” to be the following:
    function detectPDA($query){
    $browserAgent = $_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’];
    $userAgents = $this->getBrowserAgentsToDetect();
    foreach ( $userAgents as $userAgent ) {
    if(eregi(‘iphone’,$browserAgent) || eregi(‘ipod’,$browserAgent)){
    $this->iphone = true;
    $this->pda = true;

  8. Hi Coolio

    Thanks for the help with iPod Touch!

    Dummy question, where do I find the list of user agent strings?

    (1. add “iPod” to the list of user agent strings)


  9. Nope, still can’t get it to show properly on my iPod Touch (and I did change the code for ‘function detectPDA’ as instructed).

    I also did a Dutch translation. Can I mail that somewhere?

  10. The current download of WP-PDA needs to be fixed. The ereg code that detects iPhone or iPod and passes a true value if it finds one of those has a code error.

    ipod should be in standard single quotes. However, it is wrapped in curly single quotes. change those and it’s fixed.

  11. I added ipod and another code inserted but it didnt show iphone theme. It looks the same as I would see on Windows Mobile browser. I am using iPod touch not iPhone.

  12. I’m getting the following error on a lot of pages after installing this plugin:
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at C:\Sites\Premium10\ssowrong\webroot\beta\wp-content\plugins\wp-pda\pda.php:1)

  13. Hello Imthiaz,

    I’ve translated your plugin in Italian.
    Where could I send you the .po & .mo files?

    Thanks in advance.


    Gianni Diurno

  14. I just installed this plugin on my site and it worked like a charm! I checked it out 5 seconds later on a Windows Mobile 5 device, and it looks great and loads very quickly.

    Thanks! Excellent plugin.

  15. Confirmed. It works if you change line 92 in pda.php from if(eregi(“iphone”,$browserAgent) || eregi(‘”pod”,$browserAgent)){


    if(eregi(‘iphone’,$browserAgent) || eregi(‘ipod’,$browserAgent)){

    and remember to add iPod as a user agent for the iPod Touch in the list. This can also be done in WordPress, in the plugin prefs.

  16. Matthew Kurowski

    Any plans to support widgets?

    Beautiful work – wish I had an iPhone.

  17. nd remember to add iPod as a user agent for the iPod Touch in the list. This can also be done in WordPress, in the plugin prefs.

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