WordPress PDA & iPhone

WordPress PDA plugin enables the wordpress blog viewable for PDA and iPhone browsers. It is really simple plugin which detects the browser agent and loads a simple theme on fly. The plugin comes with a theme folder which acts like normal theme with all the functionality of wordpress theme.

The plugin doesn’t have any advanced option to control. If you want to customize you can do it with the theme files.

Installation of this plugin is simple and straight forward. Just extract the files in you wordpress plugins folder. And in the admin activate the plugin

Once you activate the plugin you will not be seeing any magic in your admin menus or any trace of this plugin :-). To see this plugin in action you have browse your site using a pda. I have installed the plugin in my blog and this is how it looks from a pda browser.

worpress pda plugin preview

To enable your blog for pda users just download and activate 😉

Download PDA plugin for wordpress 2.x

Please note iPhone theme is still in beta testing stage. I will be working on more updates on the same soon. Please read the FAQ if you want to disable iPhone theme integration.

Thanks to Martin Loyer for adding theme language support and French Translation.

Thanks to Zombix for providing a working demo of the pda plugin

View Comments (445)
  1. […] by bryan on Jul.23, 2009, under Computers, Internet, iPhone I’ve just installed a new Plug-in for my wordpress. If you have an iPhone/iPod Touch. Trying viewing my webpage. It looks great. optimized for the apple web devices (not to mention it uses ajax for faster interaction and more eye candy effects). I still haven’t tried them yet using windows mobile internet explorer or nokia symbian smartphone browsers. maybe some of you who have these Phones/PDAs can send me some screenshot (it would be very helpful). NEW mobile theme: WPtouch iPhone Theme (By Dale Mugford & Duane Storey) OLD mobile theme: WordPress PDA & iPhone (By Imthiaz Rafiq) […]

  2. Access to so many people costs so little, and competitive businesses need to take advantage of these low-cost opportunities to reach out to consumers, or else they won’t be able to stay competitive. In addition to using the sites you’ve mentioned, I think another good one to use is AdWido, which can help people easily take advantage of those social networking sites.

  3. Cool!

    Please let me know as soon as the iphone/ipod touch compatibility is up and running so I can ask you how to install it on my website 🙂


  4. […] for Symbian S60 and Nokia Devices. The S60 Blog’s mobile version is generated using the wp-pda WordPress plugin. Content: […]

  5. Am looking forward to how this plug-in develops in the future, especially with the iPhone/iPod Touch component.

  6. Great Imthiaz,
    Works great on the Samsumg i8910 OmniaHD.
    I’ll be using this one.
    Is there a simple way to edit the colors?


  7. I’ve had a few users report that when I have this plugin enabled, they only get the mobile version of the site even when using a desktop. The user-agent string is consistent with Firefox (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009073022 Firefox/3.0.13 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)), but it pulls the mobile site every time. I’ve left the list of user agents at the default. Any tips on what else to look at? I’m stumped.

  8. Thank for the theme! Did you try it on Opera mobile? Opera mini? Is it working? It looks really cool on iphone though! Nice one mate

  9. Great Imthiaz,
    Works great on the Samsumg i8910 OmniaHD.
    I’ll be using this one.
    Is there a simple way to edit the colors?

  10. Are there any plans to develop a version of this program to work with the handheld games consoles like the Nintendo DSi and the Sony PSP?

    As well, are there any plans to provide a WordPress plugin that makes a blog in its current theme work well for “10-foot” browsing i.e. via a set-top box with integrated Web browser connected to a large-screen TV and operated by a remote control that uses a “D-pad” or joystick.

    With regards,

    Simon Mackay

  11. No need for this kind of plugin with the latest smart Nokia phone, Nokia N97, almost all web2.0 properties are directly viewable without any third party plugins or applications, when will apple catch-up? hm…..

    1. @nokian97review Apple is the current leader with smart phone technology. Nokia is too late and just now realized that they should have a fully functional web browser 🙂

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