Organizer is a worpress plugin. This plugin help the wordpress users to manage the files uploaded to their blog. These are some the feature of this plugin.
- View all files uploaded in you wp-content/uploads directory and all the sub directories or the directory you have set to store your uploads
- Copy / Rename / Delete files in the uploads directory
- Create / Rename / Delete directories
- Upload files to the uploads directory
- Resize image files on your uploads directory
- Supports mutiple users and permissions
- Changes the filenames automatically in your post when you change the filenames in your upload directory
- Changes the attachment post to maintain the post cross links
- Supports roles and you can set permission based on each user what can do with this plugin.
- More to come….
To download the latest organizer follow the links bellow
[RE: comment #60] Forgot to add that I had to change src=\”/$organizer_path in line 71 and 72 to src=\”$organizer_path (removing the / before $organizer_path).
Is a WordPress 2.1-compatible version going to be released soon?
Hy, i have WordPress 2.05 installed but the organizer plugin not rules.
At principal page of plugin (page=organizer/page/index.php) the select menu option “onchange†is death. I can see the list of directorys of my site, but the page not change when i select any directory. I tyr at the last Firefox and in Explorer 5.
Can you do the menu option with the SUBMIT button? why not rules my organizer?
Sorry for my english. I´m spanish blogger.
A problem that think relates to something mentioned earlier. First, great plug-in, something that is really needed.
Now, the plugin is installed and activates fine. It sees all pre-existing pics in the dir (uploaded via WP post page). I upload a file with Organizer just fine. However, when I go to the Post or Page creation screens, the Organizer pics to not show on the Browse All menu. They do not seem registered with WP.
Are they WP BD tables that need to be updated when the images are uploaded?
It is not problem for me, but friends who are less knowledgeable get confused and can’t use the images if they don’t appear in the WP menus.
I have made a new translation for your nice WordPress plug-in :
Thanks for Organizer !
hello, Thanks for your plugin … I want ask a question … Now the Organizer is visible only for the Admin, I’d like that also the Editor can edit Organizer, I can do that? How?
By simply heading over to the Organizer and clicking a stupid checkbox. K.I.S.S. 😀
maybe reading documentation is always a good advice 😛
damn, should say “Role Manager” instead “Organizer” damnit
Can’t find this stupid checkbox to activate “Organizer” for my editors… They have to be “administrators”. 🙁
No more information in the documentation.
OK I found it !
Just have to install “Role Manager” plugin
[…] […]
[…] WordPress Organizer>> […]
I just installed a fresh install of WP 2.1
And This great plugin didn’t work.
I can not see any files already uploaded through the post uploader.
(It acts as if I didn’t have any files there to begin with).
p.s: I add role manager working when activating the plugin – but, even after granting myself permisions – it still didn’t work.
[…] Sites Less Live Mint Moveable Anything My Video No Ping Wait Objection Redirection Optimal Title Organizer PXS Mail Form Permalink Redirect PodPress Popularity Contest Readers Post Reddit This Related […]
[…] organizer: å¯åœ¨å¾Œå°ä¸Šå‚³ä¸¦ç®¡ç†æª”案(更å和刪除),支æŒå資料夾功能1,也å¯ä»¥çœ‹åˆ°æœ‰å“ªäº›æ–‡ç« 有使用該檔案,當檔案有更動時å¯ä¸€ä½µä¿®æ”¹é€£çµã€‚æ¯”è¼ƒå¤§çš„ç¼ºé»žæ˜¯æ²’è¾¦æ³•ä¸Šå‚³å¾Œç›´æŽ¥åŠ å…¥æ–‡ç« ä¸ï¼Œåªæä¾›é€£çµ […]
have a WP 2.1 installation but i can’t get the plugin working at all.
It activates fine, but when clicking the link in the admin, i get an 404 error.
Has anyone set this up running on WP 2.1 ??
same problem as Dennis.
I can see organizer in my admin panel, but if I click on it I have an error 404 🙁
I would like to use this with wpmu instead of wp.
this means changing a lot of variables, like: each blog has his own path were uploads are stored: ABSPATH.UPLOADS points to$blog_id/files/
next thing is that each blog has his own id, thus his own tables like: wp_6_sk2 just an example, but the general settigns are stored sitewide, i.e. there is no wp_6_users table only one wp_users table…
are you interested in helping adapt this plugin to wpmu? I woudl liek to try, I would just need to have a better understanding of what and where to modify…
@ovizii: would be great if you and imthi would implement wp-mu compatibility instead adapt a new version. regards, good luck. in early april, i could help a bit.
awesome plug in. hats off.
i m a newbie and is probably a simple ?. I have installed the role manager plug in too.
for a specific user if i aask organizer to use a user specific drirectory, the next time the user logs in, it creates the directory but the user still uploads to the “common” directory
In the extra capabilities section I have given the following:
Organizer Upload, Organizer, delete_private_pages, delete_private_posts, edit_private_pages, edit_private_posts, import, manage_categories, manage_links, moderate_comments, publish_pages, read_private_pages, read_private_posts, unfiltered_html, Organizer Directory, Organizer Option
what is th eminimum i NEED?
I have installed organizer 1.2.1 on WordPress 2.1.2. Everything works wonderfully except that the preview on the image resize is not working. I have searched for a solution and have yet to come up with one.
I viewed the source of the page and noticed that the image was pointing to the file system “/C:/recruiting/olemiss/wp-content/plugins/organizer/image.php?m=r&l=100&p=C%3A%2Frecruiting%2Folemiss%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads&f=march-madness-lunch-003.jpg”
Which seems to me to be the problem. Since it is pointing to the PHP page instead of the image itself. However, I am not in any way an experienced programmer so I am just taking a shot in the dark here.
Any assistance you can give is appreciated.
It was a Powerful WordPress Plugins and nice too, thanks for making it happen 🙂
I installed organiser on WP2.1.2. When I activated it, I get the organiser tab in the admin panel, but the /wp-admin/organiser folder is not created, so clicking the organiser link takes me back to the home page. Any ideas?
Hi! Awesome plugin, really nice work.
I do have one feature request though: it would be even more awesome if I could upload multiple files in one shot.
Great work, thanks again.
It would be nice if there were some screen shots.
[…] WordPress Organizer You can use this plugin to view, copy, rename, delete, resize image files, manage directories and upload files to your upload folder. […]
[…] Organizer […]
Great work, thanks
[…] Organizer – Browser-based plugin to upload files. […]
Hi Imthiaz,
I would like to use organizer to manage pictures into phpwebgallery.
I modified the php files to point on the directory I want to upload, I installed the plug-in and it works well, I can create some directories, upload some files.
But when I select a subdirectory in the drop down list, nothing appends. I can only see the content of the root-upload-directory.
Do you have any idea,
Best Regards,