Organizer is a worpress plugin. This plugin help the wordpress users to manage the files uploaded to their blog. These are some the feature of this plugin.
- View all files uploaded in you wp-content/uploads directory and all the sub directories or the directory you have set to store your uploads
- Copy / Rename / Delete files in the uploads directory
- Create / Rename / Delete directories
- Upload files to the uploads directory
- Resize image files on your uploads directory
- Supports mutiple users and permissions
- Changes the filenames automatically in your post when you change the filenames in your upload directory
- Changes the attachment post to maintain the post cross links
- Supports roles and you can set permission based on each user what can do with this plugin.
- More to come….
To download the latest organizer follow the links bellow
Hi there,
I get the following errors when attempting to install:
Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ on line 50
Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ on line 51
Warning: open_basedir restriction in effect. File is in wrong directory in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ on line 52
Warning: Cannot add header information – headers already sent by (output started at /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ in /usr/local/psa/home/vhosts/ on line 15
[…] RECOMMENDED: Organizer is a great WordPress Plugin that allows you to manage and upload files. […]
I am getting some errors
Warning: move_uploaded_file(d:/inetpub/ahfactory/vb/wp-content/uploads/Wind/Sailing/test/1.jpg): failed to open stream: Permission denied in d:\inetpub\ahfactory\vb\wp-content\plugins\organizer\page\upload.php on line 39
Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move ‘C:\PHP\uploadtemp\php90F7.tmp’ to ‘d:/inetpub/ahfactory/vb/wp-content/uploads/Wind/Sailing/test/1.jpg’ in d:\inetpub\ahfactory\vb\wp-content\plugins\organizer\page\upload.php on line 39
I set all permission to 777 but I don’t know if that is smart.
Also, where did it get “C:\PHP\uploadtemp\php90F7.tmp”?
Thanks for any help. I can tell this is going to work great.
Having the same problem as post 31. Cannot install at all. Any thoughts?
WordPress Plugin : Organizer…
åŠæœˆè¨˜ » Organizerプラグインã§ç´¹ä»‹ã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ—ラグインã§ã™ãŒã€é¢ç™½ãã†ãªãƒ—ラグインãªã®ã§ã€ã†ã¡ã®ã‚µã‚¤ãƒˆã§ã‚‚使ã†ã“ã¨ã«ã—ã¦ã¿ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ã¡ãªã¿ã«æ—¥æœ¬èªžåŒ–も・・・
[…] Organizer Plugin-Seite | Download Fügt dem Admin-Menü im Backend einen neuen Eintrag “Organizer” hinzu, mit dem sich recht einfach der Upload-Ordner verwalten lässt. Sehr nützlich, besonders wenn der Ordner irgendwann mal unübersichtlich wird WP Admin Bar 2 Plugin-Seite | Download Sehr chices Plugin. Sobald man als Admin oder User im Blog angemeldet ist, erscheint im Live-Modus des Blogs oben die Admin Bar. In ihr findet sich das Backend-Menü, so dass man ganz einfach hin- und hernavigieren kann. Auch zum Abmelden muss man nicht erst den “Meta”-Eintrag in der Sidebar suchen. […]
Hmm… My WordPress installation is in the /wp directory. The 5/28 suggestion by ade wasn’t sufficient to fix the $organizer_path. [The app was still throwing Javascript errors complaining about not being able to find the function organizer_jump_directory.
When I hard coded the path to the organizer directory in the function
all seems to be well. Not a long term solution (since I’m supporting multiple sites), but enough to convince myself that this is way cool.
Plan to use it along with .htaccess authentication for a simple document store that should be moderately private.
Hi, your plugin is precisely what I’ve been looking for in order to organize & make available a large number of documents for our school organization. I have a problem launching the plugin, perhaps I’m missing something – if this has an obvious answer please point me to where I can self educate:
I received the following error after installing, activating Organizer, then attempting to go to the Organizer page:
Request denied by WatchGuard HTTP proxy.
Reason: IPS matched signature id=’2307′
Method: GET
Path: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=organizer/page/index.php
Is there any immediately obvious reasons this might be happening? I am sending a request to the hosting site as well to know if their WatchGuard configuration is particularly restrictive – however every other WP function & plugin has been working very smoothly.
Thanks in advance – Paul
maybe I’ve overseen it, but: is it possible to change the upload path not relative, but absolute? Means: I would like to use a different server for managing the files, not the server, where wp resides. Is this possible?
Thanks Peter
[…] התוסף × ×›×ª×‘ ×¢“×™ ×חד ×ימטי××–. חוץ ×ž×”×ª×¨×’×•× ×œ×¢×‘×¨×™×ª, ×’× ×”×•×¡×¤×ª×™ מספר ×©×™× ×•×™×™× ×¢×œ ×ž× ×ª לעשות ×ת ×”×ª×¨×’×•× ×©×œ× ×™×•×ª×¨. ×‘×™× ×ª×™×™× ×œ× ×”×™×™×ª×” תגובה מ×ימטי××– על ×”×©×™× ×•×™×™×, ××– ×× ×™ מספק ×ת התוסף בכללותו. […]
Just to let you know, your plugin does not play well with the WordPress WWW Redirect Plugin (
It has a feature to redirect any requests to index.php to /, which breaks your plugin, resulting in errors such as:
Warning: main(/home/website/public_html/wp-content/plugins/organizer/page/) [function.main]: failed to open stream: Success in /home/website/public_html/wp-admin/admin.php on line 72
Warning: main(/home/website/public_html/wp-content/plugins/organizer/page/) [function.main]: failed to open stream: Success in /home/website/public_html/wp-admin/admin.php on line 72
Warning: main() [function.include]: Failed opening '/home/website/public_html/wp-content/plugins/organizer/page/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/website/public_html/wp-admin/admin.php on line 72
Disabling that feature in that plugin allowed your plugin to work correctly. :-(
Hi Imthi!
just a minor request: maybe you wanna add some
in the according function. In my case Organizer uses the websites’ root-folder – so having a lot of subfolders looks very chaotic when the foldernames aren’t sorted. cu[…] Organizer – This plugin allows you to create and upload files from the web browser without having to fire up your FTP program. It’s especially helpful on blogs with multiple users who aren’t tech savvy. The only downside is if they don’t know the “rules†things can get messy and disorgainzed very quickly. […]
[…] WordPress Organizer […]
I’m getting a javascript error when trying to choose different directories:
organizer_jump_directory is not defined
index.php (line 1)
[…] Ein Paradebeispiel ist zum Beispiel der Organizer von Imthi Rafiq. Der in meinen Augen beste Upload-Manager für WordPress gibt einem eine ganze Reihe von Möglichkeiten Dateien zu verwalten, hochzuladen, zu kopieren, umzubenennen, Verzeichnisse zu durchstöbern, etc. Als Besonderheit, lassen sich die einzelnen Funktionen eben auch im Role-Manager den verschiedenen Profilen zuweisen bzw. verbieten. Vielseitig lassen sich auch die Einstellungen einzelner Benutzer vorgeben: so kann der Admin zum Beispiel die maximale Dateigröße für Uplaods für jeden Nutzer individuell festlegen. Wer sein WordPress-Upload-Verzeichnis zB. auf “/” statt auf “/wp-content/uploads” festlegt, gibt den Benutzern einen (wenn auch in Grenzen) brauchbaren Ersatz für einen echten FTP-Benutzer zur Hand. Die Einstellung “/” für Uploads bewirkt, dass ein Benutzer des Organizers auf alle Verzeichnisse zugreifen kann. Also Vorsicht mit dieser Einstellung, das ist wirklich nur sinnvoll, wenn die Benutzer wissen was sie tun (man könnte theoretisch Themes löschen, die Datenbank-Zugangsdaten auslesen). Genau da kommt aber wieder der Role-Manager ins Spiel, der gewisse Aufgaben verbieten kann. Alternativ lässt sich im Organizer auch für jeden Benutzer sein “eigenes Unterverzeichnis” vergeben. Das verhindert zum einen dass Benutzer in anderen Verzeichnissen Schaden anrichten können. Desweiteren ist das super praktisch um Ordnung zu wahren. Man stelle sich vor 20 Benutzer könnten auf die Daten anderer Nutzer zugreifen, bearbeiten, etc. Ãœberdies erstellt das Plugin die Benutzer-Unterordner selbst, automatisch also. Man braucht sich um nichts zu kümmern und kann sogar festlegen wie groß Verzeichnisse (individeuell für jeden Benutzer) maximal werden dürfen. […]
Firstly, this is a superbe plugin!
But what can I do if I want my autor can access to this menu?
Thank a lot
Thanks for plugin! I like it!
Can you help me?
I install plugin successfully and it display all my files in wp-content/uploads folder.
Then I changed “No of files per page” parameter on option, and Organizer now don’t see files in “uploads” folder because it create folder “admin” in folder “uploads” and folder “admin” is a “root” folder for Organizer!
Reinstallations didn’t make changes.
I don’t need Organizer upload files in “wp-content/uploads/admin”!
What should I do?
just another comment about the comment I did before.
Suddenly after active Organizer plugin I get this error:
Warning: opendir(C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/wordp205/wp-content/uploads) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Invalid argument in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\wordp205\wp-content\plugins\organizer\plugin_functions.php on line 174
Thank you !
1. re 49: because it admins only uploads folder, which needs to be created under wp-content folder
– i have solved (enhanced) id a differnet way – i have changed the path to /wp-content only, so i can manage all my files under it.
2. I miss a feature – edit files. I want to be able to edit php files, not only rename/delete them
[…] Organizer – This plugin allows you to create and upload files from the web browser without having to fire up your FTP program. It’s especially helpful on blogs with multiple users who aren’t tech savvy. The only downside is if they don’t know the “rules†things can get messy and disorgainzed very quickly. […]
[…] Organizer – Organizer is a simple plugin to view and manage your upload folder files. You can’t edit it your files however […]
Hello. This is a wonderfull plugin. I was wondering… what should i be editing to be able to set ‘user specific’ as default?
I think i managed to do it… when a user doesnt have a setting i want it to upload only to it’s own folder
if((!isset($user_setting) or !$user_setting) && organizer_check_organizer_directory()==false)
'access' => 0,
'extension' => get_settings('organizer_filetypes'),
'uploadsize' => 102400,
'uploadquota' => 10485760
right before
$upload_path_user = $upload_path .'/'.sanitize_title_with_dashes($user_login);
$upload_path_user_a = organizer_fix_windows_path(ABSPATH.$upload_path_user);
in plugin_actions.php
[…] Download: […]
[…] Download: […]
Hi, realy nice plugins. i use WordPress 2.0.x
I use it in a collectif blog and i’m the administrator.
I would like to know how allowed the others users (editor and author) to use organizer without admininstrator right.
[…] Óäîáíî óïðàâëÿòü ôàéëàìè ( ñêà÷àòü çäåñü ) […]
Hi, I dont know why but Organiser doesn’t work with one of my two providers. It works fine with but not with the other one !!! When I change the directory on the admi panel nothing happens it doesn’t look like searching somthing even if the directory I choose is full of pictures.
Can you help?
@Roman Edirisinghe [comment #45]:
I was getting that same error too; all the “change directory” drop-down select menus throughout this plugins interface were returning a organizer_jump_directory is not defined javascript error.
I did a search for the organizer_jump_directory function and found that it was in the general.js file. So, I browsed to the Organizer page in the WordPress admin site, viewed the browser generated source and did a search for general.js to which I found out was being included improperly. For whatever reason, the author of this plugin has [both] the javascript file and css file being included via their local path on the server and not the relative path of the URL. For example, my javascript include line for general.js was targetting /E:/Inetpub/wwwroot/
foobar_com/www/wp-content/plugins/organizer/general.js instead of fix this problem, here’s what I did; a better fix could probably be implemented – but wrong or right, it works now and takes two seconds to do.
Add // to the beginning of line 70 to comment out global $organizer_path; and add the following line beneath it so that this new line will fill the void of commenting out previous one:
$organizer_path = get_settings(‘home’).”/wp-content/plugins/organizer/”;
Keep in mind, if you have the Organizer plugin installed to a directory other than the default /organizer directory, you will need to modify the new line accordingly.