Many to many relations are one of the mostly used relations in the relational database. It took a while for me to figure how to properly configure this relation in Symfony Doctrine. I am sharing this so it might be useful for someone. Used very simple example students and course. A student can opt for… Continue reading Symfony Doctrine Many to Many Relationship (ManyToMany)
Tag: Web
Why do we need to upgrade PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.2?
The current version of PHP which is 5.6 has reached the end of life on 19th Jan 2017. PHP team has stopped support for 5.6, and no more new features added. Security support for 5.6 is up to Jan 2019. On Jan 2019 PHP 5.6 officially dead. The newer version of Linux and server software… Continue reading Why do we need to upgrade PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.2?
TinyMCE remove height & width from image
It is so annoying the TinyMCE editor image plugin saving the height and width of the image. You can turn it off in the settings. tinymce.init({ selector: “textarea”, // change this value according to your HTML plugins: “image”, menubar: “insert”, toolbar: “image”, image_dimensions: false }); There are other settings available for the image plugin please… Continue reading TinyMCE remove height & width from image
Twitter Security Issue, Don’t use your main password
Today my friend was writing a small application to post updates to twitter. We found that the API is not secure (does not use SSL). I installed network packet capture programs and was able to capture the request headers what the twitter client was sending. It was basic authorization which is encoded using base64. Is… Continue reading Twitter Security Issue, Don’t use your main password
Google web monopoly next milestone Chrome
Google has released its new browser “Chrome” today. It is released as beta (I really don’t understand what is the meaning of beta in Google. Can you believe Gmail) for windows alone. This browser is based on webkit rendering engine. which gives web developers a big relief in rendering issues and web standards. The good… Continue reading Google web monopoly next milestone Chrome