Hi All
I finally managed to complete the Organizer which is compactable with wordpress 2.0.X
Changelog since last version.
– Fixed plugin to work with wordpress 2.0.x
– Complete rewrite and all files stays in plugin folder
– Plugin works with PHP 5
– Installation is simple
– Added directory functionality
– Added file upload functionality
– Added create, rename and delete directoy
– Added replace functionality to attachment in wordpress
– Added thumnail feature to image files
– Added file icons to other files
– Added roles capability to the plugin
– Fixed replace post file names with converting names to hmtlentities
– Fixed image resize with imagecopyresampled
– Fixed minor paging problem in class filelist
– Fixed minor bugs in function routines
Download WordPress Organizer 1.0
Organizer supports roles. To fully utilize this feature please install worpress roler manager plugin.

I have fixed the issue with wp 2.0.4 it was an issue while adding the plugin pages.
Thanks Guys 😉 and sorry for the delay
Hi! Thanks for this plugin and your recent fix for wp 2.0.4!!!
I have the same question as greg: it’s possible to define a specific folder that users can view? I’d like that they only see and upload to the folder /uploads..
The “title†and “description†fields also would be great…
Nice work! Thanks.
Resize to a pixel height or width – so you can make thumbnails exactly the same size from different size originals.
Don’t underline text in the Organizer unless it really is a link. Use bold text instead.
Please started using revision numbers in your file names – so we know if we have the latest version.
When I try to update anything (user setting, organizer options) I get an Internal Server Error. Some other things work (directory maintenance, for example) but updates aren’t working.
[…] Imthiaz Rafiq (Organizer) […]
It’s “compatible”, not “compactable”.
Just wondering if anyone could help. I did something stupid and started my blog using a numerical archive system, and now I'd like to change it so that the post title is part of the URL for SEO reasons. Is there any WordPress plugins that anyone knows of that could switch it without sending Googlers to invalid pages? Maybe some sort of redirector to the correct page?
Thanks from Galicia in Spain. I’m nice with your plugin.
after install Organize, when I go to Organizer–> Organizer I get this error:
Warning: opendir(C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/wordp205/wp-content/uploads/) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Invalid argument in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\wordp205\wp-content\plugins\organizer\class_filereader.php on line 23
When I go to Organizer–>Upload, I get the following errors:
Warning: opendir(C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/wordp205/wp-content/uploads) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Invalid argument in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\wordp205\wp-content\plugins\organizer\plugin_functions.php on line 174
Warning: opendir(C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/wordp205/wp-content/uploads) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: Invalid argument in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\wordp205\wp-content\plugins\organizer\plugin_functions.php on line 295
Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\wordp205\wp-content\plugins\organizer\plugin_functions.php on line 296
Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in C:\Program Files\xampp\htdocs\wordp205\wp-content\plugins\organizer\plugin_functions.php on line 301
Thank you for your help.
I have this problem..
Warning: opendir(/www/htdocs/rolo/blog/wp-content/uploads): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /www/htdocs/rolo/blog/wp-content/plugins/organizer/plugin_functions.php on line 174
Warning: opendir(/www/htdocs/rolo/blog/wp-content/uploads/): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /www/htdocs/rolo/blog/wp-content/plugins/organizer/class_filereader.php on line 23
Do you know how I can fix it?
after uploading and activating the plugin i got following message:
Warning: opendir(/www/htdocs/*myLogin*/wp-content/uploads) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /www/htdocs/*myLogin*/wp-content/plugins/organizer/plugin_functions.php on line 174
is it, because have instead of a folder …/wp-content/upload the folder …/wp-content/up ?
thanks for answering,
What I want to do on my blog, is every few hours take the oldest post and move it to the
front of the queue, all automatically. Anyone know if there is a plugin that can do this or
a simple way to set up another plugin to do this (use my own feed perhaps)?
Hi, I installed your plugin, but as I switch the directory dropdown I get a javascript error on organizer_jump_directory not defined, although general.js is included in the page…
Am I doing anything wrong??
Thanks in advance. Theo
Hy, i have WordPress 2.05 installed but the organizer plugin not rules.
At principal page of plugin (page=organizer/page/index.php) the select menu option “onchange” is death. I can see the list of directorys of my site, but the page not change when i select any directory. I tyr at the last Firefox and in Explorer 5.
Can you do the menu option with the SUBMIT button? why not rules my organizer?
Sorry for my english. I´m spanish blogger.
This is great work, I have been looking for a simple plugin to resize images, and now I have one, thanks for putting in the time to code this for the WP community!
I dont have image magic on the server, just the GD graphics library for image manipulation – possibly this is causing the following issues:
– Thumbnails dont appear in list view, just the word ‘thumbnail’
– Image doesn’t appear in resize page, just a small grey box with the text ‘image’
These arent big issues, but no thumbnails in list view is a bit annoying.
The major issue I have is that images uploaded through Organiser are not visible when you are in the write page view – this is a big problem obviously! I have checked that the upload path is right and that ‘sort uploads by month/date’ is turned off to keep things simple – but no luck!
Seems to be great plugin.
Cannot change directory though, In FF nothing happens and in IE 5, I’ve got js error.
I’m running WP 2.1
Any idea?
i used the Organizer in the past and think its a great tool. Since the inclusion of the Capability-stuff, nothing works anymore, though. Even though my administrator role has all the Organizer permissions, I always get error messages when I try to click an image.
I beg you, please take that out again. I don’t think there’s really any good use for such fine-grained control, it just creates hassle and dependency on the (broken) Role-Manager Plugin. I’d love to see this working again.
Please consider adding the extensions for OpenOffice.org
I have it installed & activated according to directions provided in the README file.
It shows up in Dashboard.
I cannot find a directory to view files.
I cannot create a directory.
Only directory that is listed in dropdown menu is “/”
I’m sure I am missing somethign incredibly simple and obvious to the rest of you…Help??
I’ve a suggestion.
If I want to upload for example 30 images it’s boring to do it 1 by 1, maybe it exists something that allows you tu upload a file (ZIP) and then uncompress it on the folder.
Myebe someone have done it ?
I was wondering if it was possible to make Organizer work with directories outside WordPress?
I would like to use an other dir on my server.
Kind regards,
Raf Goetschalckx
Great Plugin.
Your “rewrite” function that occurs when renaming an uploaded file in all the posts doesn’t seem to catch the title atributes in links for me.
Thanks again.
Hi guys!
Do you know any solution to manage uploads for post images?
This plugin is good, but I still cannot insert inline from the filebrowser..
I thought what I upload here the same folder/file structure will be available in the imagebrowser of the post write panel..
Any ideas?
Thx in advance..
I’ve uploaded the organizer plugin.
It seems to be working okay, however when I go to the organizer pannel in the admin page, and choose view files or organizer, it says there are no files in the directory.
I know that it’s uploading the files correctly, becuase I checked my server. It just doesn’t show them.
Please let me know why the images are not showing up.
@sekano, @thomaz, and anyone else who can’t get the directory to change on index.php and view.php:
I copied and pasted the javascript from general.js into the top of both pages, and it works. Not sure why the javascript include isn’t working, but I put this at the top of both index.php and view.php:
Safari and Firefox on OS X 10.4. Not tested on Windows, where I assume the default installation works…
Sorry, guess the code was stripped out. It’s just the typical script tag with language=”javascript” followed by the code in general.js and a close script tag.
Thanks that worked great! 😉
If anyone is interested I was also having the CSS and JS not found issues and the drop down menu wouldn’t work so I made this change to file “plugin_functions.jsp” on line 69.
function organizer_add_files_to_admin_head(){
This puts in the proper path for your server based on the website URL not on the document server root path that the browser doesn’t understand.
Sorry, pasting the code didn’t work. Let me try again.
function organizer_add_files_to_admin_head(){