Hi All
I finally managed to complete the Organizer which is compactable with wordpress 2.0.X
Changelog since last version.
– Fixed plugin to work with wordpress 2.0.x
– Complete rewrite and all files stays in plugin folder
– Plugin works with PHP 5
– Installation is simple
– Added directory functionality
– Added file upload functionality
– Added create, rename and delete directoy
– Added replace functionality to attachment in wordpress
– Added thumnail feature to image files
– Added file icons to other files
– Added roles capability to the plugin
– Fixed replace post file names with converting names to hmtlentities
– Fixed image resize with imagecopyresampled
– Fixed minor paging problem in class filelist
– Fixed minor bugs in function routines
Download WordPress Organizer 1.0
Organizer supports roles. To fully utilize this feature please install worpress roler manager plugin.

I get this error when I activated this plugin.
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare is_valid_name() (previously declared in /home/rocky/domains/domain.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/email/email.php:260) in /home/rocky/domains/domain.com/public_html/wp-content/plugins/organizer/plugin_functions.php on line 191
Have fixed the error by prefixing all the organizer plugin function with name organizer. So this solves the above issue.
Thanks, is working now 🙂
Hi, greetings from Melbourne Australia. Many thanks for the wonderful plugin!
We are using it as part of our physics blog for the International gravity wave detection experiments (LIGO). For which, being able to upload our notes, and other documents (pdf, ps, doc, etc.) is ‘bloody’ great.
Hopefully, this a quick question. I got the following error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_file_icon() in /data/www/sites/gravitywave/wp-content/plugins/organizer/page/index.php on line 53
when I tried listing a file folder directory that contains image files (.bmp) and documents. Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?
Thanks again, Steve
Hi Steve Melnikoff
It was not your problem. It was my bad programming.. 😉
I have mad the update on the plugin. Now that problem is fixed. I hope you will not have any more issues.
[…] Imthiaz Blog � WordPress Plugin Organizer 1.0 ç”»åƒ?管ç?† (tags: plugin wordpress) tags: […]
Is is possible to implement the quota system to limit the total file size that user used?
thanks for the plugin! very useful, but a quick note: you create directories in dir.php with 0666 permissions. this produces errors in your plugin because those directories aren’t accessible (no +x) by anyone. you probably wanted 755, 775, or 777. (i use 775 w/ group perms apache).
16-Apr-2006 – Version 1.1.0
– Added user level directory uploads
– Added user level extension
– Added user level upload limits
– Added user level upload quota
– Fixed directory permission bug
Hi. I just installed it and almost everything seems to be working fine except the image list page… page=organizer/page/index.php&d=5
All of the thumbnails are broken. When I click on the text link of the file name the view page comes up fine. Any help?
You know what would be really useful: somewhere on the detail page for a particular file, provide a full link that can be copied and pasted into the editing window for a post…
Sorry about my previous email… I was reading the instructions on the OLD version to add files to the wp-admin. Suggestion: change the files and directories to show “organizer1.0”, ditto the instruction page.
Well done!
“You know what would be really useful: somewhere on the detail page for a particular file, provide a full link that can be copied and pasted into the editing window for a post…”
I second this – didn’t the old Organizer used to do this? I’d love to see the next version with this facility, it’s way more important for novice users than you may think.
Anyhow, great plugin.
I have made the box. Now you can copy and paste the url of the file easily. I was thinking to do a lite file browser which I can snap to editor. In that case it will be very easy to upload and maintain files.
But very hard no time and I am on tight work.. :-D. But I will do it some day… 😉 if any one interested can join me.
first of all, congratulations for the great plugin!
When viewing the details for an image I was getting the following error:
Image functions:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: get_image_type() in D:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs\wordpress201.dy\wp-content\plugins\organizer\page\view.php on line 314
In that line, replacing the call to “get_image_type” for a call to “organizer_get_image_type” seems to have solved it.
Just to say that “lite file browser” idea is getting better and better by the minute 🙂
For images it could insert the image automatically as an <img src=”…
and for other filetypes (ie, PDFs) it could make a direct link <a href=”…
Just some ideas if you come around to implement it… 🙂
Brilliant plug-in. Just made my “indespensible” list of -must haves- for WP. Thanks so much for your contribution to the Word-Press Community.
Maybe I am doing something wrong…
But I´m getting this error.
Warning: main(plugin_functions.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in…etc…
Any idea of what might be causing an error message like that? The whole blog crashes until I delete the organizer folder.
Any help or clue would be really appreciated, guys.
This might be an idea for a totally different plugin, but would it be possible to control user defined categories – outside of what setting I have in wordpress? Or maybe any directory?
Lets say my images uploaded through wordpress go to mysite.com/wp-content/images but I have other images uploaded through a different site/script/imagegallery/whatever that go to mysite.com/bla. The wordpress directory, to me, is already organized. The ones uploaded to /bla aren’t so much.
Is there a hack I can use? Would this be a security risk? Will this be in the next version?
Thanks 🙂
It is working fine here, but the reference to the
gives a wrong reference, so the onchange() doesnt work.
I even dont have a /home/ dir.
So I have to call the dirs like
Any suggestions? All other JS calls are done by .. references.
Thanks for the nice plugin!
sorry I cannot paste code here, I meant the reference to the general.js
i’m searching for an option that allows to resize uploaded pictures to a max px width. Is that possible with the Organizer Plugin?
currently its not possible to let the plugin resize pictures on the fly. But you can use for example Photopress_Plugin to do this job for you. I wouldn’t recommend the use of photopress for publishing images, as it doesn’t integrate into wordpress’s normal post and page-structure, but for resizing and watermarking images (or whole directories) its perfect. regards, erik
I like the plug-in, it’s nice.
I also need the capability to view and edit the “title” and “description” fields that are collected when I upload the files on the “upload” section of the Page editing page; is this something that you could add in a future version?
[…] [fixed] – GUI: “Wilkommen im bassheadz.org Adminbereich” -> Nicht mehr als 27 Zeichen für Newstitel verwenden, sonst schreibt Ihr außerhalb des gelben Balkens. -> Wenn Ihr hochauflösende Bilder in die News posten möchtet, dann bitte nicht mehr als 550 Pixel Breite. – Direktverlinkung auf die mail Adresse [email protected]: Spamschutz? – Logo in die url Leiste des Browsers. Steht unter Files zum download bereit – chCounter -Veröffentlicht von halbtuerke -> written by XXX Abgelegt unter Events -> saved in XXX Keine Kommentare » -> no comments -> booking auch verlinken – Crew: sollte auch wie das Newsarchiv aufklappen – Newsarchiv sollte aufgeklappt bleiben dass man zwischen den Kategorien springen kann. Beim erneuten click auf “news” klappt es wieder zu, oder man macht unten einen kleinen Pfeil der nach oben zeigt hin. – .haccess verlinken auf http://www.dnbsounds.com/files/basstunes_no_hotlink.jpg – Audio / Other & Files / Flyer: Textbox raus – Blogtitel aus dem Header via CSS löschen. Nicht aus den Einstellungen weil er sonst auch oben im Browser nicht angezeigt wird. – Crewseite für : “Mojo” – GUI: “Links” löschen – hotlinks (auf dem fileserver .htacceess) – in der Kommentaransicht verschiebt sich der blog Titel – unten sind 2 “beabeiten” buttons – booking: Textbox? – Aufklappfenster Crew: Mojo erscheint erst wenn man auf eine andere Crewseite clickt – Guestbook Maximal 10 Einträge pro Seite | Neue Einträge nach oben! – basstunes section mit cd cover & Clickcounter – [ALEX] eventplaner (Zusammenarbeit mit upcoming events und der Flyer section) – Slideshow Pro Director will nicht. Beim anlegen von Alben bleibt er stehen. (Firefox) – .htaccess nur auf mp3´s und jpg´s beziehen – basstunes: CD Covers können nicht gespeichert werden – “bearbeiten” button fehlt bei activities und dates – Gästebuch?? – zoomeffekt der verlinkten Bilder wie auf: http://www.panic.com/transmit/ – Schriftgröße im footer kleiner – Schriftfarbe heller – Suchfenster in die Sidebar unter news, ganz unten. Dazu folgendes Symbol: – muTunes plugin für die news installieren. http://www.thesmithsplace.com/mutunes/ oder http://www.stripytshirt.co.uk/features/wordpress/scrobblepress/wp-scrobblepress.zip- Hintergrund: – Newslettersystem: user tragen sich in einen Verteiler ein der automatsich die neuesten dates per mail verschickt. SOWAS?- organisator plugin zum verwalten des upload verzeichnisses: http://imthi.com/blog/77/index.php […]
[…] Downloaded Organizer from http://imthi.com/blog/77/index.php […]
I installed “Organizer” and configured the Role Manger plugin for “Organizer” – everything is green. When I log into the WordPress Admin Control Center with an admin account and go to “Organizer” into a folder and klick on a link of a file (example: .pdf). I always get this: “Du hast nicht ausreichend Rechte, um auf diese Seite zuzugreifen.” – So I do not have the rights to access this file ;( So, what does I have to do? Please help me. Thx Michael
There is an issue with wordpress 2.0.4 I will work and give a fix soon 😉
WordPress Plugin : Organizer…
åŠæœˆè¨˜ » Organizerプラグインã§ç´¹ä»‹ã•ã‚ŒãŸãƒ—ラグインã§ã™ãŒã€é¢ç™½ãã†ãªãƒ—ラグインãªã®ã§ã€ã†ã¡ã®ã‚µã‚¤ãƒˆã§ã‚‚使ã†ã“ã¨ã«ã—ã¦ã¿ã¾ã—ãŸã€‚ã¡ãªã¿ã«æ—¥æœ¬èªžåŒ–も・・・
[…] Organizer Plugin-Seite | Download Fügt dem Admin-Menü im Backend einen neuen Eintrag “Organizer” hinzu, mit dem sich recht einfach der Upload-Ordner verwalten lässt. Sehr nützlich, besonders wenn der Ordner irgendwann mal unübersichtlich wird WP Admin Bar 2 Plugin-Seite | Download Sehr chices Plugin. Sobald man als Admin oder User im Blog angemeldet ist, erscheint im Live-Modus des Blogs oben die Admin Bar. In ihr findet sich das Backend-Menü, so dass man ganz einfach hin- und hernavigieren kann. Auch zum Abmelden muss man nicht erst den “Meta”-Eintrag in der Sidebar suchen. […]