Hi All
I finally managed to complete the Organizer which is compactable with wordpress 2.0.X
Changelog since last version.
– Fixed plugin to work with wordpress 2.0.x
– Complete rewrite and all files stays in plugin folder
– Plugin works with PHP 5
– Installation is simple
– Added directory functionality
– Added file upload functionality
– Added create, rename and delete directoy
– Added replace functionality to attachment in wordpress
– Added thumnail feature to image files
– Added file icons to other files
– Added roles capability to the plugin
– Fixed replace post file names with converting names to hmtlentities
– Fixed image resize with imagecopyresampled
– Fixed minor paging problem in class filelist
– Fixed minor bugs in function routines
Download WordPress Organizer 1.0
Organizer supports roles. To fully utilize this feature please install worpress roler manager plugin.

function organizer_add_files_to_admin_head(){
print(‘<link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”‘);
print(‘/wp-content/plugins/organizer/general.css” type=”text/css” />’);
print(‘<script type=”text/javascript” src=”‘);
you ROCK!!!!!
awsome plugin
Although I set the ‘Upload folder’ to ‘user specific’, the files are uploaded to the default location. (Organizer 1.2.1 with WP 2.1.2)
I wished, every user had an own upload folder, where his files are stored. Does this work in general?
I’m also having problems getting the drop down to work. I tried the recommendations above but still nothing. Any Ideas?
Tank you it works fine in WP 2.3
Nice plugin, it seems this is what I was looking for. Can you help me in these questions, please?
1. Do you have a page with the explanation of the roles?
2. Whislist: is it possible to have a default setting? This is what I mean: in the Users tab you would be able to set the default settings for every user. The per-user settings (that you have now) would overwrite it. This way I wouldn’t need to add hundreds of users one by one.
been trying to integrate it into Write Posts, though this is VERY makeshift, rough and breaks a lot of rules in WP. Just as an experiment really, but here is the readme I am creating for myself. There are changes to CORE and PLUGIN files: http://culturalshifts.com/ChangesForOrganizer.txt
Installed this on my site but have the same problems as JMM april 14th 2007.
I really want users to have their own folders, so that they can find their images easily using image manager.
When images are uploaded, with the organizer active they still go to the default blog folder.
The idea is sweet. Maybe it’s my config. I REALLY want this to work!
I love the idea of this plugin, it would allow me to not have to use “Imagemanager” anymore. That plugin is slow and buggy.
I do wish I was able to upload images into a specific directory right from the post screen though, as opposed to having to go to another tab in the admin screen.
Is this a feature you plan on adding to the plugin? Im sure im not the only one who would love it. It would speed up the whole process of posting in wordpress.
Great plugin, great idea.
I see this error has been posted but there has been no solution posted: when I activate the plugin I get the following error(d):
Warning: opendir(/home1/websitedir/public_html/websitesubdir/home1/websitedir/public_html/websitesubdir/wp-content/uploads) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No such file or directory in /home1/websitedir/public_html/websitesubdir/wp-content/plugins/organizer/plugin_functions.php on line 174
It seems to me like the problem is it is duplicating a part of directory path that doesn’t need to be duplicated. In otherwords, why is it putting home1/websitedir/public_html/websitesubdir twice? Please help as soon as possible. Thanks.
thanks for the plugin! 🙂
@ Cori
I have the same problem,
do you have any solution?
It would be cool, if you can send me an e-mail.
zabcontact3 [at] yahoo [dot] Germany
Great plugin, been using it for quite a while. Thanks 🙂
Just updated to 2.7.1 and have the problem mentioned above by Cori & Sebastian. Any fix?
Will this great plugin be made compatible with 2.7.1?
How do I actually download your version 2.0? The link seem to just give version 1.
OK, an update.
First, ignore my comment above about finding your version 2.0. I read more carefully and I see that I do have the most updated version, the one suitable for WordPress 2.0+.
Second, I can offer a solution for anyone else who may need it. I didn’t create it. I asked my son to take a look and even though he has never seen php before, he provided a solution in about 10 minutes. (Mind you, he is a computer engineer.) It is provided in the code below. This is a function contained within plugin_functions.php in the plugin directory. Just use a good text editor like TextPad and you’ll easily find it.
The code below contains a verbose comment that explains the problem found and solved. Read it carefully. 🙂 I recommend you select, copy and paste into TextPad because there is line wrapping below that will make it more difficult to read. The function starts on line 29 in the source code.
function organizer_initialize(){
global $organizer_dirs,$organizer_files_dir,$organizer_files_path,$organizer_path,$user_login;
global $organizer_upload_limit,$organizer_extensions,$organizer_quota,$upload_path;
$user_setting = organizer_get_user_setting($user_login);
//Change by Peter:
//The ABSPATH variable is the absolute path of wordpress
//In the latest version of wordpress the get_settings(‘upload_path’) contains the full path of wordpress
//This results in the $organizer_files_dir variable being incorrect.
//Fix/hack is to force the upload path to be a constant and not to take the upload_path from get_settings function
// $upload_path = get_settings(‘upload_path’);
$upload_path = ‘wp-content/uploads’;
$upload_path_user = $upload_path .’/’.sanitize_title_with_dashes($user_login);
$upload_path_user_a = organizer_fix_windows_path(ABSPATH.$upload_path_user);
$upload_path = $upload_path .’/’.sanitize_title_with_dashes($user_login);
$upload_path = $upload_path .’/’.sanitize_title_with_dashes($user_login);
$organizer_path = organizer_fix_windows_path(dirname(__FILE__));
$organizer_path = str_replace($_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’],””,$organizer_path);
$organizer_path = organizer_fix_organizer_path(organizer_fix_windows_path($organizer_path));
$organizer_files_dir = organizer_fix_windows_path(ABSPATH.$upload_path);
$organizer_upload_dir_url_parts = parse_url(get_settings(‘siteurl’).’/’.$upload_path);
$organizer_files_path = organizer_fix_windows_path($organizer_upload_dir_url_parts[‘path’]);
$organizer_dirs = organizer_get_directories($organizer_files_dir);
It’s working for me in WordPress 2.7.1. I hope the above helps.
totally awesome! thanks Peter! saved my day 🙂
Just in case others need help with the above, this is what you need to change:
Line 33 – 37 needs to be commented out, except for the upload directory path, just add the backslashes like so:
// if(get_settings(‘upload_path’)!=”){
// $upload_path = get_settings(‘upload_path’);
// }else{
$upload_path = ‘wp-content/uploads’;
// }
Getting this plugin to work correctly with WP 2.7.1 The more orthodox fix:
1] if you have already uploaded the plugin then make sure it is not activated.
2] For testing purposes, ensure that in WP=>Settings=>Miscellaneous the “Organize uploads by month/year” option is NOT ticked.
3] locally edit plugin_functions.php and replace all 6 instances of get_settings() with get_options() – these occur at lines 33, 34, 56, 64, 242 and 243.
4] save file and upload the file to the plugin directory.
5] Activate and test: uploads, directory creation, deletions etc etc – if all works as expected and you unchecked the Organize Uploads by year/month option at step 2] above and you need it back again then clean out your upload directory, deactivate plugin, reset Settings=>Miscellaneous as required and reactivate the plugin, then upload files.
Note for the technical: In WordPress 2.7.n get_settings() is now deprecated: get_option() works as expected; thereafter the plugin also works as expected as well.
There is one other problem associated with this plugin which may or may not affect you: the plugin takes various admin and user settings from the WP options table [you can call a display of these settings directly at /wp-admin/options.php] amongst the settings the plugin calls is the max image file size.
The plugin appears [wrongly] to use this max file size as an upper limit for ALL file uploads of any file type and also sets a per-user[role based] quota on the number of files they can upload, and has a further “quirk” in which even administrators are limited to a quota. This is wrong.
If you wish to overcome these limitations then comment out lines 53, 54, 57 & 58 of the plugin_function.php before uploading. Be warned though: doing this gives ALL users the rights to upload an infinite number of files of any size they choose.
I’m going to hack around in the classes and functions to see if I can find out why the user/file handling and quotas are broken like this in 2.7.1 – giving all users unlimited upload powers is dangerous. I suspect it’s just as simple as the get_settings/get_options replacement..
@Robert Neuschul
Ignore my previous comments about other problems: I’d inadvertently altered an element of the code which caused problems with file upload sizes and user quotas thereby causing settings on Organizer => Users to be ignored. Having checked this in the original source all works as expected.
Robert thank you for that fix – worked perfectly first time!
Is there a search facility available within the organiser plugin??
i.e. is there something extra that can be added to the organiser which gives you the ability to use search queries within the organiser?? Just a question if i were to use a vast library of files
From what I can see, this plugin doesn’t really work 100% for file renaming.
It does rename the file, but it doesn’t replace all instances of the old file name in the database. Here is what I tried:
1. First, delete all old revisions
2. Pick a file, and rename it using Organizer
3. Look for the old name in the database
The result is that 2 entries in wp_postmeta, and one in wp_posts, are not updated properly.
In wp_postmeta:
_wp_attached_file contains the old name as part of a file path
_wp_attachment_metadata contains the old name as part of a file path
In wp_posts:
the entry for the post contains the old file name in the title tag; the image itself has been renamed. This one is less of an issue however.
I’m unsure how to do the actual database calls, but it would seem to me that updating all entries in the database is the Right Thing To Do.
Or do I misunderstand something?
Another issue that has arising is that any files renamed with this plugin seem to be ignored by the Regenerate Thumbs plugin.