If you have upgraded the PDA plugin in past 2 days you might run into header output issues which might break the operation of wordpress where ever header function was being used.
To overcome the issues please de-activate the plugin and upgrade the plugin to the latest version 1.2.6 and activate the plugin back.
This error was due to some unwanted junk character present in the beginning of the file. It was due to the editor issue which I had used to save the file and commit the file to the repository.
I am really sorry for causing this issue and sorry for the inconvenience caused 🙂
I had the problem with the headers in the old version and had to deactivate the plugin, but was able to view the feed on my pda (Toshiba E800) – with the new release I no longer have the header problem, but also the page will not load on my pda any more.
Looked great when I saw it working though.
Sorry – forgot to add – my feed is airscene.co.uk/news
I have tried viewing the site using a variety of PDA emulators – not working with any of them – is there still a problem with this file?
hihi there Sir, ive just installed the plugins yesterday and try to surf my website using Nokia 5300 and it works! Im happy about it….Ian, you can try to surf mine =) Thanks for creating this plugins and make it easier for me to check my sites for comments and so on. thanks again
They are a great idea for sure, but they have got to be reliable or you will struggle.