iPhone RSS Reader with source code

Last week I had prepared simple RSSReader application for demoing at Arabnet Shift Digital Summit. Since there was not much time to really explain I had to cut short my presentation with a very basic application demo. I promised to few programmers at Arabnet that I will release the source code for this application on my blog.

Unlike my previous version of RSSReader this version is much cleaner and simple to understand. Removed lots of unwanted methods and made it as simple as possible to understand. When I released the last RSSReader code I received lots of emails asking for updates and some people wanted to fix and update few things to it. To enable all this I am releasing this source code at gitHub.


This source code does not have any license nor warranty. Please feel free to use this in any of your projects and don’t have to email me.

Enjoy, Happy Coding 😉

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View Comments (7)
  1. Hi,
    Thanks for publishing the code, its perfect!
    I have a quick question, do you know a quick way to implement it, into a tab bar base App?
    Thank You

  2. I got an iPhone 4 at Axiom, not really knowing this whole “app craze.” Turns out buying that phone was the best thing I ever did! There’s literally an app for everything. This RSS viewer looks really cool.

  3. wow, that’s a great works, thanks…….searched every where but the Mine is here….

  4. Can you add lazy load for images? awesome code, it is tough, and keep learning. Thanks!

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