Upgraded iPhone to 2.0 using Pwnage 2.0 for Mac

Yesterday morning I got the news from Engadget. I was bit scared to upgrade and I could not wait any more. Please read this blog which can guide you completely on jail break your iPhone.

Jailbreak iPhone 3G now

You can download the Pwange 2.0 which is used to prepare the 2.0 update firmware and you can use the update to restore your iPhone to new 2.0 firmware.

These are the things I did before I started the operation 2.0

  1. Download the firmware using iTunes
  2. Make a directory under your user mkdir ~/Library/iTunes/”Device Support” ;
  3. Download Pwnage tool
  4. Download the boot loaders 3.9 and 4.6
  5. Prepare the firmware update file using Pwnage tool. After preparing the firmware it places the file on your desktop named something like  “iPhone1,1_2.0_5A347_Custom_Restore.ipsw”. The file name may differ and I am not very sure about it.
  6. Now you can close your Pwnage tool and iTunes if it was opened.
  7. You have to bring iPhone to DFU mode. To do that keep pressing power and home button as long as possible. It will kind of blackout and again it will boot and you have keep pressing. After like 15 secs you can see a image like below
  8. Now open iTunes and it will go into iPhone recovery mode. Please click on restore button with option key pressed. Now it will show you a file dialog to choose the restore file. Please select the firmware generated by Pwnage tool.
  9. Sit back and relax while the iTunes restores the new 2.0 firmware, activated, jail broken, and ready to use.
  10. Everything works for me. I even bought MotoRacer game and it is awesome 😉

All the best with your upgrade and thanks to iPhone dev team 😀 and hats off to their work 🙂

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