All of sudden I got this domain name which I was waiting for a long long time. A domain name related to my name Imthiaz. I had my old blog at this place. Now I am forced to quit my old space and come over to my new blog. I don’t think so I will be moving all previous blog post. Those are some terrible mistakes I have done in the of search engine optimization. So forget the old ones and start fresh here. I am really excited with some of the work I am implementing in the office and some stuffs at home too.. ;-). Got some new guys and gals at office and now it real fun working there. Stay tunned for updatessssss…..
my new pal @ office
My new pal has asked me to write about her on my blog. And she also mentioned if she likes the write up I will get a good gift from her. Oh my…
Hi just wrote a comment to my own post. Really funy..!!! 😉
hi imthi..alllll the best for this site..real cool to have u around in office too.. 😀 nice timepass hehe..stay cool