Found a cool and free rss reader ‘pRSSreader‘ for my imate pda. It is really simple and it is loaded with good features and all you need for reading rss.

Some of the features….
Small – It is very small application. It takes about 500 KB of your PDA memory.
Formats – It can handle many versions of feeds: RSS 0.90, 0.91, 0.92 and 2.0, RDF 1.0 and Atom 0.3.
Site Manager – Site manager allows you to subscribe to sites you want to read. You can group your feeds into folders and you can set up feed options such as displaying on the Today screen, caching options, etc.
Items – It can mark feed items with three states: new, unread and read. Those states are preserved between starts of pRSSreader. You can sort the feed items or you can hide already read items.
Sequential reading – Once you start reading, you can read from the start to the end without getting back to the main window to switch between items or even feeds.
Customizable – It is quite customizable. You can set up appearance of reading dialog, change font sizes, enable clear type, set the location of cache or an external browser for viewing the whole messages and many more.
Caching – It have quite powerful caching abilities, it can cache images included within feeds, enclosures and it can also cache online pages for offline browsing.
Cache Manager – Use Cache Manager for maintaining your cached content. You can delete whole cache as well as single files (from 1.3.0).
Import/Export – You can import your OPML file from the Internet or from your local file system as well. pRSSreader can also export your OPML file.
Updates – You can update your feeds manually or you can also let pRSSreader to update your feeds automatically. Then they will be updated periodically (you can select the update interval).
Today screen – It has integration with Today screen. It can simply display the number of new/unread items or can cycle feed names or even items from a feed. The plugin is compatible with Pocket Breeze.
Summary View – The summary view shows you the number of new/unread/total items in your feeds. You can also use it to switch between your feeds very quickly.
Keywords – You can enter a list of keywords and pRSSreader will show you feed items that includes those keywords (from 1.3.0).
Proxy Support – It supports HTTP, SOCKS4 and SOCKS5 proxy servers (from 1.3.0).
HTTP Authentication – pRSSreader can access HTTP pages protected with Basic or Digest authentication (from 1.3.0).
Localizations – It is localized into Czech, Dutch, French and Spanish language (from 1.3.0).
HTML Optimizer – You can use HTML optimizer (such as Skweezer) to get online content optimized for PDA screens. You can also define custom rules to get online content prepared for PDAs by a content provider (from 1.3.2).
just google’d for the i-thing, how you write on it, i don’t really see how you would write on a windows screen without confusingly navigate through it (sorry dont know win mobile)
PS: how much is it in your part of the world? 😉