Most of the people in software industry use Gantt charts to manage the projects. Recently with help of my friend Nishanth I found this wonderful tool named GanttProject.

The most amazing things about this GanttProject are
- Available for major operating system Windows, Linux and OSX.
- Free – No need to pay any $$$ 😉
- Open source
- Task hierarchy and dependencies
- Gantt chart
- Resource load chart
- Generation of PERT chart
- PDF and HTML reports
- MS Project import/export
- WebDAV based groupwork
Click here to read more about Gantt charts
I wonder what their business model is if they’re not charging money.
If you’d like a tool for managing your time and projects, you can use this application inspired by David Allen’s GTD:
You can use it to manage and prioritize your goals, projects and tasks, set next actions and contexts, use checklists, schedules and a calendar.
A mobile version and iCal are available too.
Gantt charts of course are still important, but lately i think more and more managers understand the project success lies in team and knowledge, that is why we see project management tools that concentrates on collaboration and knowledge management. is one of those tools.
another good alternative for those who do no need a focus on gantt charts is SantexQ It’s a free tool like this one. Worth a gander I think.
It is a cute little tool, and does make it easy if you just want to do up a quick gantt chart.
Great tool. However I would still favour Collabtive over this
It includes complete set of features for web-based creation, editing, viewing, discussing, versioning, secured sharing and publishing of project plans.
If you need a tool to manage your software development projects,
I can reccommend
It’s free!
I find the tool to be quiet impressive. But also have a look at PlanningForge available at Its free and good too.
This very much useful for work planner , and suitable a lot for person whom work as Project Manager. Thank you for the great site.
Wonderful., Do u know I like this template or spreadsheet style a lot. It s look good and look professional.