Old Works

I have moved most of the work which I have published on my previous place. I think so I will be putting a redirecting page so that anyone coming to my old blog can come here. Bloggy I will be updating you soon with all my other works which I have not published for a… Continue reading Old Works

Categorized as Personal


This is a calender generation class defined from customizable parameters. The calendar has template and seperate css for more looks. I am really sorry for not updating the Calendar for a long time.. Hello Imthiaz, I like your calendar. I forgot where I found it, I think on PHPClasses.org. I have tried about 7 to… Continue reading PhpICalenderX

New Base36 Method

I was developing a small utility for my brother Fathah to generate a barcode of all the items in shop. I was not happy with the normal id method it’s so generic and everyone is using the same thing. So I thought of doing a new base including numbers and alphabets. So my new base36… Continue reading New Base36 Method