Resize Raspberry Pi Partition Easily Using raspi-config

I have been playing with my Raspberry Pi for couple of weeks now and recently I ran into this issue of low space. Even though I had 8GB memory card it was only partitioned to use 4GB. After Googling for sometime I found there is a built in tool with Raspberry Pi which helps to resize the partition easily ie raspi-config.

Please check if your Raspberry Pi is running on Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid

root@raspberrypi:~# cat /etc/*-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"

Start raspi-config

# sudo raspi-config

Select expand_rootfs

Raspberry Pi raspi-config screen 1

raspi-config will configure Raspberry Pi to resize the partition during next reboot

Raspberry Pi raspi-config screen 2

raspi-config will request to reboot

Raspberry Pi raspi-config screen 3

During reboot process you can see that partition is getting resized

Raspberry Pi Resize Boot Screen

Once reboot is completed you can see more space on your rootfs.

Raspberry Pi Partion Info

I think this is the best way to resize the partition. No data loss or any special tool required to complete this operation 😀

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